Critical Access Hospital (CAH)

RTL Series: Fullerton Hospital: A Communications Crisis in a Rural Community(2)

The stability of rural healthcare delivery systems may be determined by hospital and clinic administrative and governance leaders’ effectiveness with communicating significant events and strategic decisions to other stakeholders. What guardrails are in place to ensure the right messages are communicated to the right audiences at the right times? In this session, we will introduce […]

RTL Series: Fullerton Hospital: A Communications Crisis in a Rural Community(2) Read More »

POLST Awareness, Education, and Implementation Webinar

Presented by:Nancy Joyner, MS, CNS-BC, APRN, ACHPN® North Dakota POLST Program CoordinatorSara Schwarz, MA, Cancer Survivorship Program Coordinator at Sanford Health Bismarck Objectives:• Describe how POLST conversations impact POLST form completion.• Identify what the role of the nurse is in completing the North DakotaPOLST form.• Explain the process of implementing POLST where you work. What

POLST Awareness, Education, and Implementation Webinar Read More »

CoP: Informed Consent: Ensuring Compliance with CMS, TJC and DNV: More than Just a Signature

This program will discuss the current CMS hospital conditions of Participation for Critical Access and Acute hospitals.  Standards and requirements under Joint Commission and DNV Health will also be addressed.  A recent study found consent forms were absent in 66% of patient in hospitals leading to a delay of surgical procedures in 10% of the

CoP: Informed Consent: Ensuring Compliance with CMS, TJC and DNV: More than Just a Signature Read More »