This webinar is open to North Dakota Critical Access Hospitals only.
Presented by : Laura Dixon
Advanced care planning involves making decisions about care a patient wants to receive if they become unable to speak for themselves. CMS and Joint Commission address this issue and have requirements on Advance directives. Not long ago, CMS revised the payment policies and now reimburse physicians for advance care planning. Having such discussions has shown that better end-of-lie care can reduce readmissions. It is also important from a liability standpoint as hospitals could face a wrongful death or professional liability case if not done correctly. This webinar will discuss CMS Conditions of Participation on advance directives, along with Joint Commission Standards to help hospitals ensure compliance with the standards. The program will cover in detail various types of advance directives, such as living will, durable power of attorney and do not resuscitate orders. Case law and organizational position statements on DNR and other federal laws on advance directives will also be discussed.
Register here:–grTgiEt1i1urb6jdusEEMnPifhG78
Event Details
- January 27, 2022
- 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Type
- Virtual
- Center for Rural Health
- Pallliative Care
- Nursing
- Quality
- Physicians
Organization Types
- Critical Access Hospital (CAH)
For More Information