Webinar Series Part 4: Care Coordination Building a Business Plan
Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 from 1:00 -2:00 pm central
Title: Making Business Sense Out of Care Coordination
Description: Is your staff talking about care management? Expanding care coordination? Are your patient outcomes where they need to be? Or perhaps, you are wondering how care coordination will affect your bottom line.
This one-hour session will address the importance of care coordination as your hospital or clinic moves forward into Value-Based Payments. The foundational elements of an effective care coordination program will be addressed in relation to these payment models. Understanding concepts around Social Determinants of Health (SDOH), Chronic Condition Management (CCM), Community Care Coordination (CCC), and emerging Value-Based Payments (VBP) may impact the bottom line. Throughout this session, tools that will help establish a business model for your program will be introduced.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of the webinar, participants will be able to:
- Recognize the importance of care coordination in Value-Based Payments
- Examine how care coordination improves patient’s health outcomes and reduce organizational costs
- Recognize the elements of a successful care coordination program
Connection Details:
Join Zoom Meeting: https://ruralcenter.zoom.us/j/83240452649?pwd=VFRleGw3a0MxTjBOaEUvalNiNzE0UT09
Meeting ID: 832 4045 2649
Passcode: 706294
One tap mobile
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Event Details
- July 27, 2022
- 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM
Event Type
- Virtual
- Nursing
- Quality
- Director of Nursing
- Office Manager
Organization Types
- Critical Access Hospital (CAH)
- Rural Health Clinic (RHC)