Table Top Drill- Active Shooter

Join our discussion based session to discover your team’s response in an active shooter eventTressa Sacrey, Director of Compliance & Education for Health Services Associates, will facilitate this table drill to meet the testing requirements in 42 CFR 491.12(d)(2).

The discussion will provide space for teams to pause and discuss their clinic’s unique perspective for each scenario presented.  A discussion guide, hotwash document, and formal After Action Report (AAR) will be provided to track the clinic’s response and meet all documentation requirements.

Required from facility:

  • Full Team Present at meeting
    • Language from Appendix Z regarding participants: Participation (Appendix Z. Pg. 98)
      While the regulations do not specify a minimum number of staff, or the roles of staff in the exercises, it is strongly encouraged that facility leadership and department heads participate in exercises. If an exercise is conducted at the individual facility-based level and is testing a particular clinical area, staff who work in this clinical area should participate in the exercise for a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. Additionally, facilities can review which members of staff participated in the previous exercise, and include those who did not participate in the subsequent exercises to ensure all staff members have an opportunity to participate and gain insight and knowledge. Facilities can use a sign-in roster for the exercise to substantiate staff participation. A sufficient number of staff should participate in the exercise to test the scenario and thoroughly assess the risk, policy, procedure, or plan being tested.
  • Active Shooter Plan (if available)

There are two Table Top Drill sessions available to attend (please choose one to attend).

May 15, 2024- 1:00pm-3:00pm

May 16, 2024- 9:00am-11:00am

Actions Needed:

  • Prior to the drill:
    • Clinic will need to designate WHO on their team will be writing responses on the hotwash and discussion guide.
    • Clinic to update the sign-in sheet to reflect their clinic name and the date they are participating in the drill (highlighted areas)
    • Clinic to print at least one copy of the hotwash, discussion guide, and customized staff sign-in sheet.
  • During the drill:
    • Designated person will track discussions on the discussion guide and hot wash document
    • Between each scenario, I will pause to give the clinic time to discuss their reactions to the scenario and write down their responses
    • After the pause, I will ask clinics to unmute and provide their written responses to the group
  • After the drill:
    • Clinic will fill in the highlighted areas on the after action report form to complete the project
    • Clinic will attach the completed hot wash document, discussion guide, and sign-in sheet to the after action report document and keep a copy in the emergency plan binder for the clinic as proof of participation
    • Staff that are not present during the live drill will review the report and sign-off acknowledgement of receiving information
    • Clinic will complete any action steps determined during the drill if applicable (ie. update policy, edit risks, etc.)

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.

When: May 15, 2024 01:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

QUESTIONS:  Anna Walter

Event Details

  • May 15, 2024 - May 16, 2024
  • 06:30 AM to 06:30 AM

Add to my calendar (iCal)

Event Type

  • Virtual




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