The NDRHA Communication/Membership Committee is excited to bring you our first educational webinar. Please join us on February 29, from 2:00-3:00 pm Central, for NDRHA’s first educational webinar: The Importance of Screening for Post-Partum Depression at Well-Child Visits. The presenter is Dr. Kathryn Obregon, a pediatrics specialist. Dr. Obregon is with CHI St. Alexius Health out of Bismarck. Continuing education credits will be offered for this webinar and can be completed during the live webinar, or from watching the recording after the event. Continuing education credits are only offered to NDRHA members or staff of a NDRHA member organization. This is a benefit to being a member. Registration is required and a pre- and post-test will be made available as well. Register now:…/tJMrcu2uqj4oHtaGpUma30QMF1a1AbKJI…
Please share this opportunity with your colleagues and feel free to print this flyer to hang in your facility. Thank you for supporting the North Dakota Rural Health Association.
If you are not a NDRHA member and would like to join, and be eligible for the continuing education credits, find the right membership level for you. You will have year-round access to educational webinars, help NDRHA address policy issues at the state and national level, and receive a National Rural Health Association affiliate membership. Apply now:

Event Details
- February 29, 2024
- 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM
Event Type
- Virtual
Organization Types