Revenue Cycle Managers

AAPACN RAC-CT Certification Workshop

Increase your knowledge of clinical assessment and care planning, completion of the MDS, the regulations surrounding the RAI/MDS process, and managing the PDPM by attending an AAPACN Resident Assessment Coordinator—Certified (RAC-CT®) certification workshop. Having the RAC-CT credential behind your name shows that you are a knowledgeable and capable MDS professional. RAC-CT certification is the nationally

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NDHA: Revenue Cycle Performance Improvement Webinar

Revenue Cycle Performance Improvement   Date: 1/24/23 1:00 – 2:00 P.M. Central Time   Registration fees:      $225 per facility      |     Non-Members Registration Fee:  $350 per facility RECOMMENDED AUDIENCE: Finance focused employees. OVERVIEW: In this session. participants will learn the importance and intricacies of the hospital revenue cycle. The session will cover scheduling through final claim payment and the

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